Skipped stitches? Thread Conditioners to the rescue!

Especially with today's fabrics, microfibers, and many fabrics having spandex, or Lycra in them, skipped stitches, and stitch quality problems can be incredibly frustrating! Especially when sewing with synthetic threads or fabrics, static electricity can be a problem, which will affect stitch quality, so these types of  "conditioners" can make static electricity less likely to cause problems. Luckily, there are some helps!

Beeswax is the original old time method of protecting thread and making needles go through fabric more easily, but today's new fabrics may work better, with modern thread conditioners, especially when sewing heavy fabrics, or sheers.

Thread and needle conditioners, are a bit like using Teflon on your sewing machine needles, or hand sewing needles, they help the needle go through the fabric more easily, but also allow the thread to slip through the eye of the needle, without developing static electricity, or heat, from the friction of the needle going through the fabric so fast.

Thread Heaven, my "go to" conditioner for dipping my needles in, before putting them in my machines, to sew anything tough, with spandex or Lycra, or microfibers, their patent ran out, so they ceased production in 2017, apparently, or at least that is what I've read online. I made sure to stock up on Thread Heaven for myself, and my mom, though, while it was still available! You will notice the price for Thread Heaven is skyrocketing on Ebay these days! Synthetic silastic polymer, similar to beeswax, is the description of Thread Heaven Thread and needle conditioner.

Taylor Seville THREAD MAGIC is another form you will find it, the tiny plastic box with the conditioner in it, has slits on the sides, and a sticky adhesive on the back of the plastic, so you can stick it on your machine, for ease of use. Thread Magic is available at most fabric and sewing stores.

Silicone spray can be used, on both thread and on fabrics, like batiks, or other very tightly woven fabrics, or microfibers, or fabrics which have finishes on them, which make stitching difficult. Dry silicone lubricants are used in food grade form, or industrial types, but makes a "nonstick" surface.

Silicone Thread Lubricant is available by the bottle, and is used in many industrial sewing factories, to prevent stitching problems.

Sewer's Aid is a liquid thread conditioner and lubricant, which can be applied in a thin line down your spool of thread, before threading your needle, but can also be applied to the needle, before inserting it in the sewing machine, and will prevent the needle from heating up from friction, when sewing at high speeds. It is clear, and non staining.

Chapstick can be used in a pinch, but not colored, or flavored, of course.

BEWARE! DO NOT USE LIQUID STITCH as a thread conditioner, it is GLUE! If you have Liquid Stitch, do NOT keep it with your Silicone Thread conditioner, unless you literally put a GLUE label on the Liquid Stitch, to avoid mistaking these clear liquids for each other. It is for when you don't want to sew something, but need it to stick to fabric, like sequins, or crystals.

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