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Embroidery Freehand on Vintage Kenmore Sewing Machines

 Many people want to learn to embroider on vintage Kenmore sewing machines, and want to know which foot to use, if any.  You CAN freehand embroider on any sewing machine, if it is set up right, but not all fabrics, or threads, will form a stitch, depending on your set up. Specialty threads often take special settings and feet, sometimes you will need to stabilize, or interface fabric, in order to get stitches to form. I chose to test the vintage Kenmore 1803, as an opportunity to use my metallic threads and needles which I acquired a few yearsago, but had not yet figured out a project to use them on. Yeah, I know, metallic threads are some of the hardest to sew with, but it was kind of fun, even though they break, if you sew too fast, lol! Many people have recommended using the Kenmore monogrammer foot, which looks like a button sewing foot. I usually do my embroidery using built in stitches, but in order to help people find ways to freehand embroider with vintage Kenmore's, I deci

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